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Коллективное обращение слушателей Всеиндийского Радио

Друзья! Всеиндийское Радио в наступившем зимнем сезоне 2017-2018 гг. для вещания на русском языке в 16.15-17.15 UTC использует частоту 15140 кГц, Но это вещание, к сожалению, невозможно принять на территории России и соседних стран, поскольку используемая частота 15140 кГц является слишком высокой для использования в зимнем сезоне. Поэтому группа инициативных DX-истов во главе с Виктором Варзиным создали коллективное обращение слушателей Всеиндийского Радио к руководству радиостанции с просьбой перевести вещание на русском языке на более низкую частоту.

Ниже приводим полный текст коллективного обращения, которое просьба подписать и отправить по адресу: directoresd @ yahoo.co.in


A collective appeal of radio listeners of the Russian service of All India Radio
Hello, respected staff members of the Russian service of All Indian Radio, Foreign Broadcasting Department All Indian Radio, as well as staff members of the technical department of All Indian Radio!
We would like to draw your attention toward the unsuitable frequency chosen for broadcasting in the winter period for the Russian service of the All India Radio - 15140 khz from 16:15 to 17:15 UTC. On this frequency, transmission at this time is not audible in the territory of Russia. This is due to poor passage of frequencies above 12,000 khz at night time. While drawing up the schedule for winter season, apparently it was not taken into account that in winters in Russia, it gets dark early. Accordingly, it is necessary to use other frequencies. It's annoying that due to such neglect, many Russian-speaking listeners of All India Radio cannot hear the programmes, and the Corporation is wasting money allocated in the budget.
It is interesting that, recently, the frequencies of some of the programmes of All India Radio were changed for the following language services: English, Sinhalese, Dari and Pashto, to avoid interference from other stations. Why not change or allocate another frequency for Russian service analogue broadcasting?
In this regard, we request you to look into the matter and show professionalism in solving the problem, select another frequency for analogue broadcasting of Russian service or replace the current one. In the previous years, the passage in the winter period was observed at frequencies of 11,620 khz and 9595 khz, which are not audible currently. Now, the 9595 khz frequency is also not suitable as during 16:15 - 17:15 UTC, Voice of Turkey broadcasts using a powerful transmitter, overpowering the Russian transmission. It would be ideal to conduct test transmissions at several frequencies and choose the best among them on the basis of the feedback of radio listeners.
All India Radio is one of the most important sources, which tells us about modern India, gives political and other news. It is also a medium of promoting Indian culture in Russia. It is pertinent to note that this year marks the 70th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between India and Russia.
Listeners supporting that appeal by signatures:
[Ваша подпись].
In closing, please allow me to extend my best regards to all the sincere and dedicated staff members at your station and wishing you success, prosperity, health and peace!
With kind regards, 
Listeners All Indian Radio Russian Service.


Обращение уже подписали: Виктор Варзин, Игорь Ярёменко, Дмитрий Кутузов, Андрей Питривный, Александр Берёзкин, Анатолий Клепов, Сергей Смолин, Сергей Ёлкин, Сергей Шохин, Анатолий Дегтярь, Иван Матвеев, Владимир Булаткин, Константин Асеев, Дмитрий Мезин, Александр Головихин и другие любители дальнего радиоприема.
Надеемся, что Вы его тоже поддержите.

  Друзья! Благодаря нашим усилиям, Всеиндийское Радио на русском языке с 22 декабря 2017 года сменило частоту вещания и теперь в эфире ежедневно в 16.15-17.15 UTC на частоте 11560 кГц. Теперь передачи Всеиндийского Радио хорошо слышны как в Европейской части, так и в Сибири. Спасибо.


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